Major Outage Communications
At Lebara, we are committed to supporting our customers during major outages.
In the event of a major outage, we will seek to keep you supported and informed about what is happening with your service.
What is a ‘major outage’?
A major outage is as an unplanned impact to a telecommunications network that:
- means a customer is unable to establish and maintain a telecommunications service; and
- affects, or is likely to affect:
o 100,000or more services; or
o all services in a state or territory; and - is expected last 60 minutes or longer.
- Communication of ‘major outage’ information Here’s what you can expect if a major outage occurs:
Major Outage Detection and Incident Management
We continuously monitor our network to detect any issues. If a major outage is identified, we immediately assess the situation to understand its impact. Our incident management teams, comprising experts from various departments, are promptly activated to manage the outage and ensure a coordinated response.
Outage Communications
As soon as practicable, we will send direct notifications to affected customers via email and/or SMS, depending on the timing and nature of the outage and the services impacted. These messages will include details about the outage and estimated resolution times where possible. Relevant social media channels, websites and apps will be regularly updated with the latest information about the outage. We will also inform stakeholders as required, including other telcos, the government, regulatory bodies, emergency call services, and the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, to ensure a coordinated response. Information about the outage will also be shared with the public through media channels to keep everyone informed.
Regular Updates and Outage Restoration
Our communications will be updated upon any material change in the situation, or at least every six hours, to ensure you have access to real-time updates. Finally, we will provide information and send notifications regarding service restoration across all channels to ensure you are made aware of the resumption of your service as quickly as possible.
Where can I get further help?
We will provide immediate assistance to customers who need it during the outage. Our support teams are ready to help with any urgent issues.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us: /contact/
While we will seek to provide quick support, please be aware that our teams will be busy and response times may be longer than normal.
For most customers, the best place to keep up to date will be our network page: /support/outage-checker/
More information
For more information, please refer to
Telecommunications (Customer Communications for Outages) Industry Standard 2024.
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