Auto Recharge Offers

Get bonus data
When you activate selected 30 Day and Long Expiry prepaid plans by 31/03/25. T&C apply.

Save 10% with Auto Recharge
With Small 30 Day and above prepaid recharges. Offer ends 31/03/25. T&C apply.
- Go to MyLebara
- Click on Auto recharge option and register your payment details
- Select auto recharge for prepaid plans $19.90, $24.90, $29.90, $39.90, $49.90 and $69.90.
Offer Rules
- 5GB bonus data on all $19.90 auto recharges until 31/03/25
- 10% off offer applies only to $24.90, $29.90, $39.90, $49.90 and $69.90 Prepaid 30 Day Plans until 31/03/25